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Million Meals in March

HELP US RAISE A MILLION MEALS IN MARCH! Our goal is to raise food and funds to provide 1,200,000 pounds of food! Help us provide hungry Idahoans with 1,200,000 healthy and nutritious meals. Every dollar donated to The Idaho Foodbank in March can provide food for five meals.

The Idaho Foodbank Warehouse
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The Idaho Foodbank Increases Food Distribution 20 Percent Across The State

The government has reopened until at least February 15, 2019, but there are still significant concerns about the shutdown’s lingering effects. Federal workers are waiting for backpay, federal contract employees have lost income, and food stamp (SNAP) recipients are worried. As the state’s largest hunger relief organization and largest distributor of free food assistance, The Idaho Foodbank’s increase in food distribution will provide for an additional 266,000 meals starting this week and extending into early March.

Girl Scouts of the Purple Sage
  • Press

Girl Scouts and Dairy Farm Families Team Up to Support The Idaho Foodbank

For the fourth consecutive year, Idaho dairy farm families are partnering with the Girl Scouts of Silver Sage. For every box donated to the Cookies from the Heart program, dairy farmers across Idaho will donate $1, giving customers an opportunity to double the impact of their charitable contribution. A $5 purchase will provide a box of Girl Scout Cookies and help The Idaho Foodbank purchase milk to provide hunger relief across the state.

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Get Help, Give Help – A Food Assistance Guide

Even though the government is opened temporarily, the shutdown will have lasting effects and uncertainty continues. While the government works towards a solution, many hard-working Idahoans are facing situations they never imagined.

Weippe Food Distribution
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A Wonderful Story About Weippe

Weippe is a small town with big hearts. When its mobile pantry, which operates for two hours on the fourth Tuesday of the month, needed a new partner, it didn’t take long for a group of generous, community-minded supporters to rally.

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