Boise debuts program to highlight kindness | Local News |
A few months after Mayor Dave Bieter highlighted Boise’s kindness in his State of the City address, the city has rolled out a new series of events on a core city value.
A few months after Mayor Dave Bieter highlighted Boise’s kindness in his State of the City address, the city has rolled out a new series of events on a core city value.
Mayor David Bieter announces a new community-wide initiative to highlight, protect and promote the Boise community’s core values and to help ensure it remains kind and welcoming.
Kindness is defined as any action in which one person puts the needs of another ahead of their own. You may have heard me talk about it in terms of that little wave you get from Boiseans when you let them into traffic – it’s so nice that such small gesture of courtesy and gratitude can have such a positive impact on someone’s day.
The program is meant to promote Boise’s key values of kindness, civility and being a welcoming place to live. Source: Mayor Bieter unveils ‘Boise Kind’ community initiative |
Players from BYU and Western Michigan worked together with Feeding Children Everywhere to put together packaged meals that will be distributed to the needy throughout Idaho during the holidays. The inaugural event provided more than 40,000 meals for the Idaho Food Bank.
In a friendly competition, Western Michigan and BYU competed for bragging rights over who could assemble the most meals in the shortest amount of time. The Idaho Foodbank was the winner.
Dozens of families in need lined up at the Nez Perce County Fairgrounds Monday morning to receive a pre-bagged holiday meal.The Idaho Food Bank teamed up with Rosauers and other local businesses to provide the meals.
Nine Idaho organizations expressed their support for the food assistance provisions laid out in the newly agreed upon farm bill that passed with overwhelming support from Congress this week. On Monday night, House and Senate leaders released a farm bill agreement that protects and strengthens food assistance programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) for Idaho families.
TWIN FALLS — More than 30 Les Schwab Tire Centers, including the two Twin Falls locations, are accepting frozen turkeys, nonperishable food donations and monetary donations through Dec. 22 to provide meals for Idahoans who are in need of food this holiday season. The goal is to provide 600 turkeys this year.
The Famous Idaho Potato Bowl, in conjunction with Feeding Children Everywhere, Albertsons and The Idaho Foodbank, will work together to create more than 61,000 meals for Idaho’s local communities.
The Nampa School District’s four Family Community Resource Centers provide food, clothes and other necessities to families in need.
Snake River Elementary School received 40 pounds of oatmeal Thursday, which will feed more than 50 families, thanks to Happy Day Brands and the Idaho Foodbank. The donation is the first of 100,000 servings heading to school pantries across the state.