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Children in Your Community are Hungry: A Teacher’s Story

Many in Idaho do not understand the growing need that must be filled. Children in your community are hungry.  Out of 20 students in Ms. Clark’s class, six of them receive food backpacks supplied by The Idaho Foodbank every Friday. (That is nearly 1/3 of the class.) The Backpack Buddy program gives children easy-to-make breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. These young students who rely heavily on free and reduced-price school lunches as the bulk of their food for the week have access to food during the weekend thanks to the program.

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The Idaho Foodbank launches capital campaign, nutrition month

On Thursday, March 3, the Foodbank kicked off National Nutrition Month at the construction location of its new facility in Lewiston, with the backdrop of the foundation and progress of the new structure, set to serve the five counties in north central Idaho and open in the summer.

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Idaho Statesman: Idaho’s Poor Still Ache For Food

The Great Recession is officially over, but the lines for free food keep getting longer. This is true across Idaho, not just at Oasis. Last year, The Idaho Foodbank, which distributes food to satellite pantries across the state, delivered almost twice as many meals as in 2010.

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They’ve Helped Me More Than I Can Repay

For the 250,000 Idahoans who may not have food in their pantries, winter can be a brutal season fraught with tough choices. Does one pay their gas bill or do use what’s left in their bank account to purchase food? Read More

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Camille Beckman donates more than funds

Susan Beckman Roghani has dedicated over 30 years to building her company, brand and family with her bare hands. With her hard work and passion for enriching lives all over the world, the Camille Beckman brand was built and has flourished since its inception in 1986.

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