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Regence BlueShield of Idaho Event Shows New Facility Progress

[gallery_slider ids=”12583,12582,12581,12579,12578,12577,12576″ title=”false” caption=”false” size=”slider-large” interval=”5000″ pause=”true” frame=”false” nav_standard=”false” nav_arrows=”true” dark_text=”false”] More than 60 people showed up to a special hard-hat tour event in Lewiston, hosted by Regence BlueShield of…

Peacebelly Farm
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Harvest Report: More Partners Step Up to Help

We received news this month that Peaceful Belly Farms will be helping us provide produce to partners near them. They’ve committed to donating their excess produce to pantries and partners….

Lemonade Stand
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When Life Gives You Lemons

Sometimes solving hunger can seem like an insurmountable problem. What can one person really do? Callia, a Boise eight-year-old, shows that one person, even a child, can make a huge difference.

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Harvest Report: Spring Blossoms

Above is a picture of plums growing at the LDS Orchard in Caldwell. They’re green and they definitely aren’t ripe, but they’re signs of great things to come for this…

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New Season at Prison Farm

Another season has begun at the Prison Farm at the Southern Idaho Correctional Institution (SICI). The 10-acre field produced about 388,000 pounds of fresh produce for Idahoans in need in…

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Things will get better: Janet’s story

For a parent, the pangs of hunger are hardly the worst torment endured. Far beyond the focus on one’s own discomfort is an aim at quieting the grumblings of your little ones.

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Land O’ Lakes donates 40,000 pounds of macaroni & cheese

Land O’Lakes, Inc. donated 40,000 pounds of LAND O LAKES® Macaroni & Cheese to The Idaho Foodbank. This is the Land O’Lakes First Run Program’s 99 donation since it was established in 2010. The program is committed to donating truckloads of fresh product year round, made specifically for food banks to help alleviate hunger nationwide.

  • Volunteers

Giving Back: Lucas Finds an Impact

Lucas McDermott is a fellow with The Mission Continues, an organization that empowers veterans to find new purpose through community impact, redeploying them on new missions in their communities so their actions will inspire future generations to serve.

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