A Fresh Approach Update
The move is almost complete. The Idaho Foodbank’s newest hunger relief facility in Meridian is operating their warehouse and volunteer services. The rush to now stock the shelves will achieve…

Governor Little Honors the Idaho Foodbank’s Partner Network
Idaho Governor Brad Little issued a proclamation declaring October Hunger Awareness Month. The Idaho Hunger Relief Task Force and Idaho Foodbank are recognizing three organizations that have gone above and beyond to serve their communities during the pandemic.

Hope for the Holidays News
Food brings people together. Gathering around the table with loved ones may look different this year, but it will be just as meaningful. To help facilitate these precious moments, The…

October is Hunger Awareness Month in Idaho
October is Hunger Awareness Month in Idaho. The word hunger is often and casually tossed around in our daily lexicon, but what does it really mean? It is estimated that 1 in 9 individuals and 1 in 8 children were food insecure in Idaho prior to the pandemic. Recent projections, that consider the impact of COVID-19, radically change that ratio to 1 in 6 Idahoans and 1 in 4 children could potentially experience food insecurity.

Mountain Home Community Distribution Offers More Than Food
The Idaho Foodbank held its fourth “Farmers To Families” food box distribution in Mountain Home on September 11, 2020. The “Farmers To Families” food box program is part of the…

Inspiration in Northern Idaho
Born in the U.S. and taught to be grateful for opportunity, Lionel feels proud to give back to The Idaho Foodbank and help others. People in his family have been in similar situations to those facing food insecurity, especially now during the pandemic. The North Central team of The Idaho Foodbank out of Lewiston is proud to have Lionel on the team, helping to make a difference in the community.

Moving to Meridian – Office and Warehouse Hours
The Idaho Foodbank has relocated from 3562 S Tk Avenue in Boise to 3630 E. Commercial Court in Meridian. Operations will resume on Sept. 28 at the Meridian location.

A Chefs’ Affaire 2020 Goes Virtual
The Idaho Foodbank has been hosting A Chefs’s Affaire for 22 years to raise money to help feed our hungry neighbors. Every year Treasure Valley area chefs have joined with us to serve up amazing gourmet meals, along with a host and a live auction. This year we went virtual, streaming the event on YouTube, Facebook and Zoom.

A Back to School Telethon Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped to make our first-time Back to School Telethon fundraising event a success! The vast variety of people who contributed their time, talent, and treasure to support Idaho children was incredible. Staff, MCs and talented entertainers from across the across the state (and nation) volunteered to provide entertainment and encouraged others to give back as well.

An Aerial View of A Food Distribution in South Central Idaho
Have you ever experienced a bird’s eye view of a Farmers To Families food box distribution? This video is from The Mustard Seed’s Community Distribution at the end of August:…

Communities Coming Together – Potlatch Food Pantry
The Idaho Foodbank works with Food Pantries across the state from big cities to small towns of fewer than 1000 people, like Potlatch, Idaho.