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It’s Nothing To Be Ashamed Of

With temperatures near freezing, Beverly sits in her car waiting for her turn in line to come. Although it’s early December, she’s not waiting for a retailer to open or a special item to go on sale. She’s waiting for her chance to get a box of free food from Oasis, an emergency food pantry in Caldwell.

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Pre-Schoolers Donate to Idaho Foodbank

This year a group of children from the downtown YMCA day care decided to make a food drive as their holiday project. They brought the Foodbank over 50 pounds of…

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The Idaho Foodbank celebrates Hometown Heroes

Earlier this month, The Idaho Foodbank had the opportunity to participate in the 2015 “Hometown Heroes Event” that was put on by the JRM Foundation for Humanity. Hometown Heroes recognizes…

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The kids come first: Yvette’s story

For Yvette, the mobile pantry at WICAP in Weiser is more than just a place to get food. But it hasn’t always been that easy for Yvette. “I have a hard time asking for help and it takes a lot for me to ask for help. And I had to do it.”

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Truckers Delivering Hope

Today we celebrated the gift from J.R. Simplot Company and Kenworth Sales Company of two new trucks to help us distribute food. he Idaho Trucking Association and Truckers Delivering Hope are helping The Idaho Foodbank launch “Idaho Hunger Awareness Month” for October with a major donation, and it couldn’t come at a better time. Learn More

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Harvest Report: Prison Farm

Our farm at the prison continues to come along well. This is what seven acres of Winter Squash looks like. The vines are loaded despite our early setback this spring. We’ve even mixed…

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Lemonade Stand Operators Share Proceeds

Brianna and Joseph came by with a donation for The Idaho Foodbank with money they had generated from their summer lemonade stand. “I want to help hungry kids because they can’t…

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